Herbs that help fight alcohol drinking habits


Alcoholism is a complex problem and cannot be solved by simply eating selected herbs. This we shall emphasize right from the start. However, some methods are used to reduce alcohol consumption or even help individuals to fight drinking habits. We shall introduce several herbs in this article that are used for this purpose. But keep in mind that the actual decision to quit drinking is the most important and crucial one.

Alcohol as an addiction

Candida is a type of bacterium that occurs naturally in the gut. If someone consumes an excessive amount of alcohol, he or she provides food for these bacteria and they begin to thrive. Increased population of candida bacteria creates a number of problematic symptoms, including dependence on alcohol. This is where herbs may help. For example, they may reduce craving for alcohol and thus help the individual to fight alcohol cravings.

Kudzu, also known as Chinese arrowroot

Kudzu has always been a part of traditional Chinese medicine together with other herbs and plants that are also beneficial to human health. It is a starch root plant mainly used to treat headache, hangover and to fight alcohol dependence. This property of Kudzu has been known for more than 1,300 years. Kudzu is a wild vine. Tubers contain a chemical called daidzin, which is used in modern herbal medicine to suppress the cravings for alcohol and reduce negative effects of alcohol.


Kudzu: Photo Pixabay

Goldenseal, also known as orangeroot

Orangeroot is another herb that efficiently kills the candida bacterium that thrives in the human intestine and may be one of the causes of alcoholism. Orangeroot has antiviral and antifungal properties and has a strong bitter taste, which can actually be a benefit when fighting alcohol cravings. Due to its extreme bitterness Orangeroot is used in the form of capsules.

Saint Mary’s thistle

This plant is used to detoxify the body and to strengthen the liver’s ability to remove alcohol from the blood and to improve the overall function of the liver.

Alcohol: Photo Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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