Growing wisteria: Step by step

Wisteria belongs to the Fabaceae family and it is a very popular plant. It looks very nice in garden gazebos or pergolas and produces beautiful and unique flowers – the main reason for its popularity. But this beauty comes with warning. Wisteria is a poisonous plant, so you should consider this fact, mainly if you have pets or small children. But this beauty grows very easy so, that is a huge benefit to consider too.
Climbing plant
Wisteria needs support to grow properly and it must be strong one, because it can reach a respectable size. Flowers form interesting cascades and are usually purple or pinkish. Another advantage is that it grows rather quickly – it can grow 3 meters in a single year and it can reach a length of 10 meters. If you want to have beautiful and abundant flowers you need to prune regularly.
Photo: Pixabay
Growing wisteria
You need to choose the correct location. Wisteria does not like drafts so, do not expose it to strong winds. What it needs is a sufficient sunlight so, make sure you provide that. Soil should be slightly acidic or neutral pH, well-drained and fertile and it should never dry out completely. Check the growth from time to time, because it grows fast and the support that you provided at the beginning may no longer be sufficient. You do not want the support system to collapse, especially if you grow wisteria near a seating area for example.
It grows quickly and that means that it demands fertile soil. Wisteria needs a lot of phosphorus and potassium, but no nitrogen. The soil should be constantly moist so, do not forget regular watering. You should also protect the plant from freezing temperatures for the first three years by covering it with straw for example.
If you want quick growth and abundance of flowers you need to prune properly. This is done twice a year. First you prune in spring. Cut off three to four leaf buds. The second pruning time is in July and you should cut shoots that have grown this year. Cut and leave 4 to 6 twigs.. If you see unhealthy looking shoots, cut them all. To improve the look even further, remove shoots that grow from the root of the plant.
Waiting for the first flowers
You will have the first flowers in the third year after planting. If you planted seeds, you may wait even longer – sometimes up to 10 years. If that is unacceptable, you should buy grafted seedlings sold in garden shops.
Preview photo: Pixabay
Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.