Growing bell flowers (campanula) is easy and you can choose from many varieties

Bell flowers

These delicate and beautiful flowers were typically seen in gardens of our grandmothers. Back then, they grew everywhere. In forests, in rockeries, under apple trees or just around the fence. It is a pity that they almost disappeared from our gardens, mainly because growing bell flowers is easy.

We can only guess why they disappeared. Perhaps because many of these little flowers do not like to be told where they should grow and do not like to grow “on command”. They usually find a spot somewhere in a flower bed among other perennials. There are some varieties that will grow in a flower pot on a terrace.

Suitable spots for individual species

If we want to grow bell flowers in containers, you must choose from the following species:

  • Campanula carpatica,
  • Campanula portenschlagiana,
  • Campanula Scharskyana.

These can even be grown as indoor flowers under suitable conditions but they do better in a container – for the season. You need to replant in flower bed in autumn.

Bell flowers

Photo: Jerzy Opiola / Creative Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,

If you want bell flowers that will grow in a shade, then you should go for Campanula latifolia or the popular Campanula punctata or Campanula glomerata. They are suited to partial shade. They will not do well in full sun or shade.

Few growing tips

Clip small plants. This will encourage branching and creation of compact and rich flowering bundles. Water bell flowers a bit during prolong dry weather.

Preview photo: Syrio / Creative Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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