Grow thyme indoors and outdoors


Thyme is a perennial evergreen shrub. When fully grown it reaches a height from 20 to 40 cm. Stems are covered with small aromatic, usually green leaves with curled edges. It blooms from May to August and produces tiny white or pink to purple flowers that attract insect and butterflies. Thanks to its compact growth, gardeners usually plant it along the edges of flower beds.

Growing requirements

Thyme does well at sunny locations and in light permeable soil. If you provide these conditions, thyme should be able to handle even low temperatures but in winter, especially colder climates, you need to cover it with fleece. If you grow thyme in a flower pot you need to move indoor for the winter . It does not like wet and heavy soil, because heavy soil forces the shrub to grow slower. It may even lose its scent. In spring and autumn after flowering, you need to prune it well. If you do not, the shrub becomes woody and freezes easily. If you perform a rejuvenating cut regularly, you promote creation of young shoots.


Leaves are rich in essential oils and are mostly used for cooking. Harvest leaves before flowering and the best time to do it is in the morning. Tie leaves in bundles and store them in a dry, warm and ventilated place – no direct sunlight. Flowers are usually used as an edible decoration on various dishes. Fresh or dried leaves, or whole shoots, are used for cooking. Thyme is strong so, do not forget the old saying “less is more”!


Photo: Pixabay

Thyme offers a great taste and aroma

The delicious spicy taste and pleasant aroma goes very well with rosemary. Connoisseurs use it for leguminous, eggs or game dishes. Thyme is an indispensable ingredient in tomato-based soups and sauces as well as in stuffing, vegetable dishes and salads. Whole sprouts can be stewed or boiled with vegetables or pickled in oil or vinegar. Thyme is also added to heavy meaty meals because it supports digestion and reduces flatulence. Lemon-scented thyme is great in teas and fish dishes. Tea made of thyme stimulates digestion, but is also an excellent remedy for coughs, sore throats and various respiratory diseases.

The healing power of thyme

There is another well-known and popular herb, which is closely related to thyme. It is called Thymus serpyllum, also known as the wild thyme. It destroys fungi and bacteria. It contains thymol and carvacrol and it is a great disinfectant . Thyme extracts are widely used in perfumes and beauty products. A thyme bath for example strengthens the entire body. Thyme oil massage relieves stomach disorders, headaches and makes breathing easier. Dried thyme flowers are used as an insect repellent, similar to lavender.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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