Grow passion fruit at home from a store-bought fruit.
Passion fruit is a very interesting plant but few people know that passion fruits sold in stores come from a tree that has the same name. Seeds of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) germinate easily and will grow well almost anywhere.
However, if you want to grow the plant from a store-bought fruit, you can decide between various attractive cultivars such as “Amethyst”, “Constance Elliot”, “Purple Haze” or the unusual “Byron Beauty”.
Where did the name passion flower come from?
When missionaries arrived in South America and saw these unusual flowers, they saw them as the symbol of the passion of Christ (i.e. the crown of thorns). They named it the passion fruit and the name stuck and today, it covers the entire genus of Passiflora. This is despite the fact that the flowers of some species are much smaller and modest.
Photo: Pixabay
What passion flower needs
Most passion flowers are tropical rainforest plants, so they need plenty of diffused light, warmth and humidity. They all also require a period of rest, which is necessary for proper bud formation. As far as our climate is concern, you may move passion flowers outdoors (on a balcony, terrace or in a conservatory) during summer, but make sure it is protected from wind and kept warm. No direct sunlight – remember rainforest.
If you provide these conditions your passion fruit will grow quickly and produce lush flowers. Flowers buds develop only when the temperature is around 22-25 °C in summer and slightly lower in winter. Water frequently during the flowering season (frequently but not too much water) and use fertilizers intended for flowering plants. A good idea is to mist plants abundantly every day in the morning – they do not like dry air, which is often the case in our homes.
At the end of summer, you need to return these lovely plants back indoors, as they cannot deal with frost at all. Find a bright place in your apartment, but again not in direct sunlight. When moved indoors, passion fruit should start preparing for the necessary dormant period, and you can help your plants to do so by stopping fertilizing and by reducing watering.
Photo: Pixabay
How to winterize passion fruit
Remember that in October-November you need to move passion fruit plants to a cooler room, where it will remain until spring. The temperature varies depending on the species. Some Passiflora plants can do with temperatures around 15-18 °C, others prefer cooler temperatures around 8-10 °C (this also includes passion fruit).
At the end of winter, you need to gradually increase the temperature in the room and water more often. Start fertilizing in March so your plants can start strong in the spring. With proper care, passion flowers should bloom throughout the entire summer. Depending on the species, some flowers turn into edible fruits, but it is hard for the fruit to ripe fully in our climatic conditions and the fruit is not as tasty as fruits sold in stores.
Preview photo: Pixabay
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