Grow dracaena and keep it beautiful for many years to come


Dracaena is a common houseplant and people have been growing this interesting plant for years. It is sold in many stores for a reasonable price and many people have experience growing it.

However, dracaena tends to fade considerably. It loses leaves at the bottom and leaf ends dry out easily. If you grow dracaenas correctly you should be able to eliminate these problems.

Dracaena grows well in flats

The most famous species of dracaena include Dracaena marginata and you can recognize it easily. It has a tuft of fresh green leaves, which are decorated with colourful stripes. They are most often pink and white, but some varieties have red stripes. It also has nice decorative indentations on the trunk and the overall appearance is attractive and unique.

The most important thing is the right location. For multi-coloured varieties, you should choose a brighter location, but no direct sunlight. Lack of indirect sunlight may cause colourful leaves to turn green. For green dracaenas, choose a light shade and keep the room temperature constant and avoid drafts. A good idea is to turn the plant once in a while to achieve even growth.


Photo: Pixabay

Pay attention to correct temperature

Temperature in summer should remain between 20 and 25 °C and in winter between 15 and 20 ° C. Do not allow large temperature fluctuations, as these can harm your plant. In summer, you should mist the plant to prevent tips of leaves from drying out. Proper watering is very important. It is better to water less and more often than once and a lot. Dracaena roots should not be wet too much.

Fertilize every two weeks, from March to September. Repot once a year. Those of you who have been growing dracaena at home for several years do not need to repot. Just replace the top layer of soil.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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