Good old tricks with yeast and potato


Propagation of plants by cuttings is not difficult but you need to choose the right method and use suitable natural remedies, if you can. For example, yeast or potatoes could help you a lot.

An ordinary potato

A proper nutrition is very important if you use cuttings but many cuttings will not do well in water only so, you need to add something else and an ordinary potato can do this trick (Solanum tuberosum). Potatoes contain many valuable substances such as iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus and calcium.

Remove all sprouts from the potato (they are poisonous) and make a little hole or notch in it. Now, put the plant inside and put it in the ground. Water and that is it. New roots should form quickly and be extra strong – thanks to the nutrients provided by the potato.


Photo: Pixabay

You can also use yeast

We all know that yeast is not for baking only. A pinch of dry yeast in a litre of lukewarm water can do magic. Soak plants in the solution for 24 hours. When done, wash the stems and transfer them to a container with clean water. Do not submerge them more than halfway. You should see new roots appearing from the submerged end pretty soon.

Willow and poplar can also help

Branches from any type of willow (Salix) or poplar (Populus) also provide plants with a hefty portion of nutrients. First, submerge them in water and wait for them to take root. When done, make a notch or a little hole in the branch and insert cuttings in it (this method is only suitable for woody branches). Keep adding water continuously (do not change the water) and wait for the cuttings to take root. When they do, carefully remove the wood (you do not need to remove all the wood) and plant cuttings in ground.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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