Get rid of mould in flower pots

The unpleasant mouldy coating in your flowerpot does not look good, but it may also harm the plant and you do not want that. If you see a mouldy surface you should pay attention. Let us take a look how the mouldy stuff is formed and what should you do if you want to get rid of it.

White coating may not always be mould. It may be various mineral deposits that washed out onto the surface of the soil. Fertilizers usually contribute to these deposits. So, how can you tell the two apart? Well, a mould is soft and forms clumps while mineral deposits “crumble” when touched.

How to fight mould in your flowerpot

Whether you have mould or mineral deposits, the first step is to remove the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one. If you have a mould, mix the new soil with a little bit of cinnamon to achieve an antifungal effect. Let the substrate dryto eliminate mould as much as possible. But be careful. Dry soil may harm some types of plants.


Photo: Pixabay

However, if the mould has already spread too much, your best bet is to transplant. Clean the contaminated plant as much as possible, wash the flower pot with hot water and soap and rinse with vinegar and plant the flower in a fresh soil.


And how to prevent mould from forming? Mould needs sufficient moisture and it is therefore important not to overwater flowers, especially in winter. Try this. Wait half an hour, after watering and then pour out the excess water from the flowerpot. Only water again when the soil is almost dry. Another good idea is to create a drainage layer made of pebbles at the bottom of the flower pot.

Limit fertilizing or do not fertilize plants during winter. The last tip is to occasionally loosen the soil in the upper part of the pot. Regular ventilation is also recommended to get rid of excessive humidity, which also contributes to mould growth.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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