Garden pansies do not bloom enough? You may be doing something wrong

Garden pansies

Garden pansies are grateful little flowers that seem to thrive anywhere but unfortunately, this statement is not entirely true. While some bloom sporadically, others bloom like crazy making their owners happy. Why is that?

Garden pansy (Viola × wittrockiana), sometimes simply called the pansy, can be actually demanding and picky and even though it can deal with some negligence on your part, there are some things that you have to pay attention to.

Manure can actually harm pansies

Most gardeners make a big mistake when planting by adding manure to pansy seedlings.While most flowers will be very happy, pansies will not. As a matter of fact, it is the exact opposite.Fresh manure will burn their delicate roots. If you want to use manure you may, but it needs to mature under a layer of compost for about a year.

Garden pansies

Photo: Pixabay

Proper nutrition

There are two important nutrients pansies need and they are phosphorus and potassium. So get a suitable mineral fertilizer and use it according to instructions. Also make sure that you are growing these beauties at a sunny place and in fertile, preferably slightly clayey soil with a neutral pH.

Pay attention to regular watering. Pansies in shallow flower pots are prone to dry and whiter, especially during hot summer days. Water every day – in the evening, but lightly. If you water too much, pansies will start dropping buds and later they die. If you grow outside do not forget to take care of pansies before the winter. Cover plants with grass mulch or with, hay etc. and if you do, you will have strong pansies in the spring ready to please you with delicate colourful flowers.

In cold areas, it is much better to move pansies to a cold greenhouse or a cold cellar. They do not need light, but they should never dry out completely.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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