Freezing eggs to keep them fresh for the winter?


Even if you have hens and they lay plenty of eggs, the same is usually not true in the winter. Would you like to save some eggs and keep them fresh for the winter? Well, you may be surprised, but eggs can be frozen and stored.

You cannot put whole eggs in the freezer. That would not work at all but we shall show you how to freeze and store eggs properly.

Freeze eggs separately…

Egg whites need to be frozen separately, and to do so you can use ice cube box or any other suitable box. Pour egg whites in and put the box in freezer. That is it. When done you may transfer the egg white cubes to a freezer bag to save space. Do not forget how many egg whites you put in one serving. This will come very handy when you need to measure servings for recipes!

Be careful with yolks

You cannot simply pour egg yolks into a box and freeze them. That would not be good. Yolk tends to dry out and form lumps in the freezer. To prevent lumping, you need to beat yolks with salt or sugar, and again, do not forget how many you put in one serving and mark it properly, especially that yolks contain sugar or salt. You do not want to use sweet yolks in salty dishes.


Photo: Pixabay

Can you somehow freeze whole eggs?

Yes, there is a way to do that. After all you need whole eggs for many dishes, right? So, beat yolks with whites together, but be careful. Beating puts air bubbles in the mixture and you need to get the air out before freezing. Let the mixture sit for about an hour. That should get air bubbles out. Pour the mixture in boxes or other containers and you are done.

When you need to use frozen eggs, take the box out and let it thaw slowly. Use as you would any fresh eggs. You will not be able to tell the difference.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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