Forget garlic or milk. A simple thing will help your orchids


Does your orchid look like it is suffering? Well, it is probably the one that belongs to the Phalaenopsis genus, also known as the moth orchid. It got its name thanks to the shape of its flowers – they look like moths. If your orchid looks like it could use a little help we shall tell you what to do. Do not try miraculous advices the Internet is full of and try our cure.

You should pay attention to the very foundations of the plant – the roots. Unprofessional care is the likely culprit that destroys roots. You may fail to provide enough light (thanks to the use of popular attractive coloured containers), or you may use too much water. Orchids are epiphytes, and they grow on tree trunksso it is very hard for roots to be flooded in nature.

How can you find out the state of the roots? You need to transplant

First, get a pack of ordinary bark. You will need it to transplant your orchids. You do not need any special substrate designed for orchids. Bark is enough. Remove the plant from the pot and clean roots carefully. Rinse well under running water to get rid of dirt and impuritiesand to see the conditions of the root system.


Photo: Pixabay

Dead roots tend to be lighter in colour and hollow. Get rid of all of sick roots as they only serve as a reservoir of pathogens that could harm your flowers. Now, you need to check for moss,which can also reduce the efficacy of roots. Remove any moss you find.

Make black tea orchid fertilizer

Before transplanting into a new pot, you need to take care of any wound your orchid may have. Wounds can be easily infected. You can use black tea to sanitize wounds, because it contains tannins and other elements that encourage growth.

So, prepare a weaker black tea infusion by filling a larger glass (approximately 1litre) with hot water. Place one tea bag in and wait 5-10 minutes, remove the bag and let the tea cool down.Submerge orchid roots in the infusion and let it there overnight. Remove it the next day and let it drain. Repeat this process three more times and then transplant it into a new bark pot.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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