Even cute cats can cause harm


When people say cat, most of us immediately think of a cuddly pet and that is usually true but unfortunately, there are many stray cats searching for food and shelter and often find your garden or terrace as the perfect refuge. When a cat visits your garden you will not have any rodents, but at the same time you will have cat droppings and trampled flowers all over your garden. So, how can you drive unwanted cats out of your garden?

Food is the biggest attraction

If you have a bowl with food in your garden than you are asking for trouble. Naturally, stray cats cannot resist food. Sure, the food is for your own pet but that does not matter. You need to move the bowl inside your house. Another big attraction is a trash can that smells like food. Make sure that all trash cans are properly closed. Ask your neighbours if they leave food outside for stray cats. If they do, you will have much harder time to get rid of stray cats as they know very well that food is “supplied” next door.


Photo: Pixabay

Use their sense of smell against them

What smells nicely to us may not please cats. For example, cats cannot withstand lavender, eucalyptus or citronella. So, if you want to drive cats away naturally, plant these plants along your fence for example.


It is a common knowledge that cats do not like water. So, if you have an irrigation system in your garden you can use it to scare cats away. Place nozzles close to the area where you see cats and let it sprinkle once in a while. If cats try to find another dry path, move the system. They should learn fast.


Photo: Pixabay

If nothing works

Over time, even stray cats become more bold and the methods mentioned above may not work well. Do not despair. Try using an ultrasonic repeller that broadcasts a sound inaudible to the human ear but cats hear it and it is unpleasant to them. If you use one, cats will surely move elsewhere, but leave it in your garden for a while, because they may try to return.

Stray cats are a bad news for your garden. Destroyed plants, droppings and rubbish pulled from trash cans. You do not want that! You may think cats are cute and they are but do not wait and get rid of stray cats before they “fall” in love with your garden!

Source: https://vyplasto.cz/

Autor: Pavlína Jenková

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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