Enjoy figs from your own garden
Fig trees are subtropical plants and they need a warm climate, but did you know that there are varieties that are frost-resistant? Well, there are and you can grow a fig tree or shrub in your garden all year round and even harvest fruit. If you love figs, whether fresh or dried, you should definitely try it. Fig tree is not that demanding actually.
Sowing seeds
If you want to grow your plant from a seed, you will need patience and time. The good news is that you can sow seeds any time of the year. We used a flowerpot and placed it in a greenhouse (or you may put it inside your house), because young plants cannot cope with frost. Only move full-grown plants outside – after about three to five years of growing indoors. Soak seeds in lukewarm water for 48 hours before sowing. Make sure to change the water two to three times a day. When done you may put seeds in the ground and cover them lightly with soil.
Photo: Pixabay
You need to wait a while for the seeds to germinate. It takes about six to eight weeks for a small seedling to appear. The ideal temperature for germination is from 22 to 28 °C. Keep the soil moist after sowing, but it should not be too wet. Direct sunlight is not good but figs need enough light. Diffused light that is. As for the substrate, it should be permeable, with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH.
Plant care
In summer, you may take the plant outside. Choose a sunny and warm place. Fig trees tend to have long shoots so, you should choose a place protected from wind. You may fertilize with organic fertilizer from spring to summer. Best is a nettle infusion or poultry droppings. In autumn however, replace the fertilizer with one that contains potassium (banana peel infusion, for example).
Wintering a fig tree
During the first years you need to maintain temperature around 10 °C in winter. The room may be bright or dark. It does not matter. It depends on what conditions you can provide. If you move it to a darker room, the plant will shed leaves, but this is not harmful. Do not worry. New leaves will grow in the spring. If you want to have fruit, make sure that the dormant period lasts at least two months. You may grow older and well-developed plants, between at least three and five years, outside all year round.
Source: https://www.semena.cz/fikovnik/499-fikovnik-drobnolisty-ficus-benjamina-semena-fikovniku-4-ks-500008.html
Preview photo: Pixabay
Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.