English daisies. The perfect decoration for your windowsill


In nature, you can see daisies all year round. They start appearing in February and often bloom until November. They can live in one place for several years, but after while, they may spread uncontrollably and may not be welcomed anymore. Daisies are actually disliked by owners of well-maintained lawns as it is not easy to get rid of them.

Bred varieties are different

However, there are bred varieties that have become very popular with breeders, because they are practical and flexible. Many experts took interest and created number of species that produce larger flowers. These grow from a rosette-shaped cluster of leaves on stems that are about 5 to 20 cm tall.

They may be simple-looking or more complex plants. The colour is usually white, but there are also pink and shades or dark red to burgundy. The flower size ranges from three to five centimetres. This is almost the perfect flower for your balcony.


Photo: Pixabay

You need to start from the beginning every year

Unfortunately, unlike wild daisies, the bred varieties do not survive until the next year, and if they do, they will “return” to their original shape and size. This is why you need to grown these beauties from the start. The easiest way is to buy plants that are “ready and tuned” for flowering in early spring. These plants already have flower buds. If you want to start growing from the beginning, that is from seeds you can, but it will be a rather demanding process.

Bought plants are planted either directly in a flower bed or in a container on your balcony. Since these flowers prefer lower temperatures, they stop blooming and start turning yellow with the arrival of summer and you probably will replace them with other annual flowers at the beginning of summer, but until then, you can enjoy their unusual beauty. Great accompanying flowers are primroses, scorpion grasses, violets or pansies.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Source: https://www.ireceptar.cz/zahrada/je-cas-vysit-dvouletky-sedmikrasky-pomnenky-zimni-fialy-a-mesicnice-20190613.html

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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