Dwarf pomegranate– growing tips

Dwarf pomegranate

Unfortunately, you cannot grow Punica granatum that you get in supermarkets in Eastern Europe. The tree needs a lot of space to grow and can reach a height between 5 to 6 meters. So, if you want grow this plant, you need to choose Punica granatum Nana, also known as the dwarf pomegranate which easily fits on your windowsill. This dwarf variety can reach about one meter and grows in the form of a tree or branched bush. First flowers appear in about two years.

Flowering period

Flowers grow at the ends of the shoots in spring and summer. They are typical for their bright colour and the most common colour is red. The tree produces male and female flowers and you can easily tell them apart. Male flowers are bell-shaped and female flowers are plumper and look more like jugs. The flowers bloom for several months and turn into fruits which are about the size of a walnut. All parts of the fruit are edible. The taste and appearance of the fruit depends on the weather and temperature during the summer:

  • hot summer: sweet and red fruit;
  • cold summer: sour and pink fruit.

Dwarf pomegranate

Photo: Pixabay

Growing requirements

In order to bear fruit, you need to properly winterize the plant from November to March. The temperature should be around 10 to 12 °C during this period. You can tell that the tree needs to be winterized when it starts losing leaves but if the temperature is higher the tree will not shed leaves. If it does not, the tree will not rest and will not bear fruit. Optimal temperature during flowering is 20 °C. Remember one rule: the bigger the pot, the more flowers it will produce but at the same time the tree will be less fertile.

Watering and fertilization

Reduce watering during flowering. Many gardeners get this wrong. However, the substrate must never dry out completely. Water only when the top few centimetres are dry. If you are experiencing a very hot summer, spray leaves with water mist and use a complex fertilizer once a month.

Light is very important

The plant needs several hours of direct sunlight every day. Without light, it cannot flower and bear fruit. You may place the plant outside (balcony, terrace, garden) during summer. Young plant needs to be transplanted every year but adult plants only when necessary – but no more than once every three years. Spring is the best time for transplanting.

Source: https://vsaduidoma.com/pl/2019/11/30/karlikovyj-granat-posadka-i-uhod-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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