Dog’s tremors


Tremors may or may not be a sign of a serious problem. If you have a dog, you have probably seen your dog shaking. Just like humans, there are several reasons why your dog shivers. It can be fear, cold, or even joy. However, tremors may also indicate serious health problems. So, how do you recognize the different types of tremors and how can you correctly identify them and when should you definitely visit your vet?


One reason your dog shivers is very simple. Your dog is cold, just like humans. Yes, dogs can get cold despite their fur. Keep in mind that not all dogs have thick, fur or hair, and even if they do, they can still get cold if exposed to cold temperatures for a long time. (like being tied up and not being able to get out of rain or snow). It is like a winter jacket – even though it warms you up, it cannot keep you warm all night long, especially while you sleep. Some breeds, like Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, and Greyhounds, need a coat to keep them warm when you take them out for a walk in winter. The following manufacturer Vsepropejska jsou zimní oblečky sells clothing for dogs and offers variations (sweaters, overalls, jackets, sweatshirts). You can find special clothing for different breeds.


Photo: Pixabay

Strong emotions

Dogs may be very emotional. They can be happy, sad or stressed. Stress is the most common reason why dogs may shiver. They may start when they know that something they don’t like is coming. It may be a car trip, bathing or a visit to the vet. A scared dog usually shivers. Some dogs shiver when you are about to leave for example. This is a sign of separation anxiety. If your dog is afraid, it may shiver, crouch, growl and have its tail between legs.

Shaking after long exercise

If your dog experienced long or intense exercise, it may shiver afterwards. This actually helps dog’s muscles to recover. But sometimes it may be a sign of fatigue and tiredness. Take your dog for a shorter walks or let them exercise less and see if you see any changes. Too much exhausting activities may even harm your dog’s heart and joints.

Poisoning and nausea

If your dog ate something spoiled or even poisoned then it may experience tremors. Poisoning is usually accompanied by vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, drooling and tiredness. If you notice these signs, you must visit vet immediately. Even dog owners may sometimes be responsible for poisoning their dogs by providing inappropriate food. Dogs should never consume onions, grapes or chocolate.

Neurological disease

If your dog is shaking even when nothing is going on, it could be due to a neurological condition. This may include epilepsy, which is manifested by uncontrolled movements of limbs and jaw, and sometimes by uncontrolled urination or defecation. An epileptic seizure usually lasts few minutes. If it lasts longer, you need to contact your veterinarian.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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