Do not neglect raspberry fertilising


Do you love raspberries? Many of us do of course. If you want your raspberry shrubs to produce fruit as long as possible, you should help them little. It is not complicated at all. The important thing is a proper fertilization, and you should fertilize throughout the entire growing season.

If you want to start fertilizing early, use fertilizers with sufficient amount of nitrogen. Raspberries need nitrogen to start strong. However, you should gradually reduce the amount of nitrogen.To get the right fertilizer you do not need to rely on fertilizers sold in stores. You can make your own.

Use wood ash instead of chemicals

If you barbeque often than you should have enough home-made fertilizer already. For example, blackberries (Rubus idaeus) needs potassium and phosphorus, and these shrubs can get it from wood ash. Just work the ash into the soil. You will need approximately 100 grams of ash per square meter of soil. But if you use an extract from wood ash you will need less as it is more effective.


Photo: Pixabay

Liquid fertilizer made from wood ash

Making an extract from wood ash is easy. Put one kilo of ash into a container and pour three litres of water in. That is it. Wait 1-3 days to make sure that all nutrients get extracted.Strain the mixture and you are done. Water raspberries with this fertilizer 1-2 times a month.

Chicken droppings are great

If you want to use the best fertilizer for raspberries and blackberries, you need to get chicken droppings. It may sound difficult if you do not know anyone who breeds chickens, but you may also use granulated droppings. If you have “fresh” droppings, put them in a container and pour water in. Let them soak for two weeks and then dilute the mixture in a 1:10 ratio. This concentration is great for raspberries and it will give your raspberries plenty of vitamins B, C and A, but also zinc and magnesium.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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