Dictamnus albus also knows as Burning bush

Třemdava bílá

Burning bush has its origins in Europe and it is regarded as a very rare species. You can see it in Central Bohemia and South Moravia in arid and steppe landscapes with loamy soil. This plant is protected in the wild and it is quite different from other plants. It almost looks like it came from a completely different time period. So, can you how grow it at home?

A plant with fragrant leaves

Burning bush belongs to the Rutaceae family and it has a strong stem and deep green leaves. Long clusters of pink and white flowers are formed at the end of stems, which looks rather exotic The plant is 40 to 100 cm tall and has a strong scent. Surprisingly, the leaves have a stronger aroma than flowers. You may cut burning bush and put it in a vase where it looks really nice but remember it has lemon scent, so maybe it is not the best choice for small enclosed spaces.


Burning bush likes sunny and dry places, preferably a solitary rockery. However, if you have more space, it will grow into a wider and impressive plant. The soil should be light, it shall contain humus and be rather calcareous. The size of the plant depends on the quality of the soil. And get this. There is no need to fertilize or water the plant in any way, just make sure you get rid of weeds growing on your rockery. This resilient perennial will grow stronger every year, especially if you plant it in a good spot, and it will last for several years. Make sure you do not plant it in a shady area with a clay that gets compacted easily and where water collects. Location like this will gradually weaken the plant and it will die eventually.


Propagation is done by carefully dividing roots which should be done during the fall. However, you will not get many plants this way, and you cannot do it very often. Doing so would weaken the plant. You may use seeds to propagate the plant but it is even more difficult, because burning bush can shoot its seeds to a distance of up to 2 meters. Pretty cool! But you can still outsmart the plant! For example, you may tie light bags to the flowering inflorescences and catch the seeds in this way. If you do, you plant them immediately. You may also try to propagate burning bush by cuttings, but the easiest and most reliable way is toa buy seedlings in a garden shop.

Photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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