Desert rose – growing tips

Desert rose

Adenium, commonly known as the desert rose, is a desert plant that used to be cultivated only by botanists but thanks to its beauty also amateur gardeners started to grow it. This plant comes from Africa and therefore, it is a tropical plant but you can grow it indoors too. Even in winter but the temperature cannot drop below 16 °C. Desert rose is especially popular in Asian countries because it can be grown as a bonsai.

Sowing from seeds

If you want to save money, you can buy seeds instead of seedlings, but it will take much longer. Sow in a pot with drainage holes, preferably in February and use dry perlite 3 to 4 cm thick. Spread seeds on top of it 2 to 3 cm apart from each other. Cover with the same layer of perlite. The ideal coarseness of perlite is 0.5 to 1 cm. Temperature from 30 to 35 °C is ideal for germination, but seeds also grow at temperatures ranging from 25 to 40 °C.

Desert rose

Photo: Pixabay


Water immediately after sowing, and because perlite is light, you may see the top layer floating. To avoid this phenomena immerse the container in a larger container filled with water. The perlite gradually becomes moist and heavier and when it does, you can remove the pot and allow it to drain. Water every three to four days. This is enough time for the perlite to dry out. You can also tell that it is the time to water if the perlite does not stick to your fingers. You may also use an atomizer bottle for gentle watering.

Plant germination

After about three days, the seeds should begin to germinate, but larger shoots will appear about 15 days after sowing. Leave the seedlings in the perlite for about 1 month. Fertilization is not necessary at this time. After that, do not use perlite again, because it may have created a favourable environment for the growth of fungi and you do not want fungal diseases.


Perlite must dry before transplanting. Discard any weak seedlings that have white leaves or have only one leaf without a growing point. Remove the rest from the perlite and transplant them into a container which contains a mixture of compost, grit and perlite – in equal portions. The mixture should be dry and loose. Leave a distance from 4 to 5 cm between individual plants. Do not water for about two to three days (to avoid rotting).

Next transplanting time

After two months (a total of three months after sowing), you need to transplant again. This time you need to prepare a separate container for each plant. Remove the adenium from the existing soil and shake the soil off the roots. Both the soil and the roots need to be dry. Plant into slightly moistened fresh soil at the same depth. Do not water for 4 to 5 days. You can start fertilizing about two weeks after transplanting.


The first flowers should appear after two to three years. This is common. There are some plants that bloom after seven months though. It depends on the quality of seeds and on the conditions you have provided. To ensure best flowering do not transplant into a peat, because peat is too acidic. In summer, you should water only after the soil has dried out completely. Try to provide at least 3 to 5 hours of sunlight per day.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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