Dangerous dog traps


Finally, we have a true cold winter. But winter is often difficult both for people and for animals, especially for our “spoiled” dogs. Winter could be unpredictable and that is why we should take care of our lovely dogs and plan ahead.

Dogs in kennels?

When temperatures drop well below freezing, you should definitely consider brining your dog inside, at least for the night. Freezing weather can be very dangerous and may even harm your dog. If you want to leave your dog outside, at least make sure that the kennel faces the south. That way, the cold wind should not blow directly into the kennel. You should definitely walk the dog more often so, it gets a chance to warm up and run.

Dogs use more energy in winter

A dog kept outside in winter uses up to ten percent more energy. This is understandable as it helps your dog to maintain correct temperature. Therefore you should increase the feed rations. A good idea is to apply insulation padding at least from three sides to maintain higher temperature inside. Another important thing is water supply. Check water every two hours. Water can freeze in cold weather and your dog cannot drink it. Maybe you should allow your dog to access a warmer place such as the garage or boiler room and leave water and food there. You can also add a warm broth to the feed to give your dog liquids and energy.


Photo: Pixabay

Does your dog eat snow?

Most dogs eat snow when walking in the snow. Don’t worry, it is a part of their natural behaviour.A small amount of snow will not harm any dog. If a dog eats a lots of snow, it may simply try to cool its body down a bit. But you should make sure that your pet does not eat dirty snow as it may contain road salt or other impurities.

Another possible danger is that your dog accidentally consumes an object hidden underneath the snow.Be it a stone or other object it may cause digestive problems or tooth injuries. Pay attention to snow when walking around roads and sidewalks. Before you go outside, make sure your dog drinks enough water. Try to occupy your dog while walking as much as possible. If your pet is busy, it will have no time to eat snow.


Photo: Pixabay

How to support your dog’s immunity

In winter, dogs and humans have a tendency to eat more. Nature simply wants us to store energy for bad times. If you keep your dog in a kennel, it is important to feed it well so its body has fat reserves that will keep it warmer in cold weather. Of course, do not overdo it. Your dog should not gain more than one kilogram of weight.


Photo: Pixabay

What about your dog’s paws?

If there is a lot of snow outside you need to take care of your dog’s paws. The biggest culprit is industrial salt, which is usually sprinkled on sidewalks and roads and it can really irritate their paws. Further, dogs usually clean themselves by licking and in doing so they consume the salt, which can upset their digestive system. You should always wash your dog’s paws with lukewarm water and lubricate them with petroleum jelly or coconut oil when you come back from a walk.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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