Cow manure may be harmful to some plants

Cow manure

If you know how to use cow manure, you can benefit greatly from it. Especially, if you know the origin of the manure. If you cannot get the real thing you can buy granulated manure in garden stores, which is definitely easier to work with. Granulated manure is ready for use and should be sufficiently matured. Cow manure does not contain as much nitrogen as some other types of manure, but it contains ammonia and that can burn your plants.

What does cow manure contain?

Cow manure contains digested grass and grains and plenty of beneficial organic materials. The ratio of the most important nutrients is 3:2:1, that is 3%, nitrogen, 2% phosphorus and 1% potassium. However, it may also contain dangerous pathogens (E. coli) and ammonia. This is why cow manure must be matured enough before you use it in your garden. If you put cow manure in your composter you will remove unpleasant weed seeds from it.

 Cow manure

Photo: Pixabay

Cow manure benefits

The first advantage is that cow manure improves the ability of the soil to hold more moisture and that means less watering. It will also improve the structure of the soil, making it lighter and permeable. Composted cow manure contains a plethora of beneficial bacteria that serve as an important nutrients for plant roots. Composting cow manure produces less greenhouse gases and therefore it is more environment-friendly.

Using cow manure

All you need is a shovel and work the manure well in the soil. A manure spreader is used for large areas but you will not need that. The best time to incorporate manure in the soil is the autumn. Cow manure is excellent for trees – but do not work it in the soil near the trunk, but father underneath the crown.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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