Can you teach your dog to stop begging?


Does your dog make sad eyes at you, jumps, howls or even barks when you are enjoying your lunch? Well, dogs do that because they hope that something good will eventually fall down. You should not give your dog anything because it has eaten already, right? So, no begging. You definitely do not want to your dog to jump on visitors. It may be really unpleasant for some people. They came to see you and not feed your dog. Teaching your pet to behave properly is not easy but it could be done. How? We shall tell you in the following lines.

Be consistent

Yes, this is the most important thing. Your dog should learn from a very young age that begging is not acceptable. You need to be consistent. Do not give your dog any food from the table. Make sure that your friends or anyone in your house follows the same rule. It may be quite difficult to persuade your children to strictly follow the same rule, especially when your dog makes these sad eyes. If that happens, send it to another room or make it to take its place. Use strict command that your dog understands, such as “NO, YOUR PLACE” etc.

Do not be fooled by sad eyes and irresistible cuteness

Dogs know how to be very cute but you have to be strong. Pay no attention to sad eyes or cries. Do not give in or act as you approve of the behaviour. This will convince your dog that it is doing the right thing to achieve the desired goal. Dog should get a treat as a reward for something it did or learned and not for no reason at all.


Photo: Pixabay

Only you should give treats to your dog

Dogs may often get treats from different people but you should be careful. Be the only person who can give treats to your dog. Do not allow other people to give treats to your dog. This will help you to train your dog.

Dog food, no human food

Some people give dogs anything, including leftovers from their own lunch or dinner. Dogs often get to eat spicy food or play with sharp bones – usually chicken bones can break and become very sharp. Dogs should only eat dog food or canned dog food or feed especially designed for dogs. If you are adamant, your dog will learn and will eat only what you give it.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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