Black chokeberry, a frost-resistant variety for your garden

Black chokeberry

The vast majority of us know Aronia melanocarpa as black chokeberry. We all know this plant thanks to its fruit, which is loaded with vitamin C. Many medical products that support the immune system are produce from the fruit. It is a relatively small shrub that can reach a height of about 1 to 1.5 meters and therefore it is also suitable for smaller gardens. Birds love this shrub and can eat huge amount of berries.

Beautiful black chokeberry

Aronia is a very useful medicinal plant but it is also grown as an ornamental plant. It has glossy, dark green leaves that change colour in autumn. Clusters of small white flowers appear in the spring. Flowers turn into dark black berries and when they do it is the right time to harvest. Harvest is usually rich. Berries are round, about 1 cm in diameter and are covered with a wax coating and are usually harvested in early September.

Black chokeberry

Photo: Pixabay

Medicinal properties

Aronia berries are known for their powerful properties. Most common way is to make various juices, jams and tinctures from berries. Aronia is known to regulate blood pressure and alleviate sclerosis. It also improves flexibility and permeability of blood vessels, and therefore improves cardiovascular health. It is also a very popular detoxification agent as it supports liver and kidney functions. The fruit has no known side effects or contraindications. The great advantage is that berries do not accumulate harmful elements or pesticides, as the plant does not require chemical spraying. It is a very ecological and healthy fruit!

Nutritional content

Berries are used to prevent cholesterol build-up. Health benefits are significant thanks to plenty of vitamins and minerals contained in the fruit. Vitamins include C, B2, B6, E, P, PP, provitamin A and minerals include molybdenum, manganese, copper, boron, iodine and cobalt. The fruit also contains catechins and anthocyanins. All this is a unique blend of good stuff. To support high blood pressure treatment, drink 30 ml of juice three times a day before meals and do that for a month, and as prevention, drink a glass of juice twice a day for three weeks.


In addition to the health benefits, aróniipěstovat  people grow aronia for its attractive appearance. You will especially appreciate its refreshing look in autumn, when the leaves turn into different shades of purple. Aronia is an undemanding plant resistant against pests, diseases and handles well freezing temperatures.Choose a sunny location (it also tolerates partial shade) to get the biggest harvest. Aronia is not demanding in terms of soil. Any regular soil will do.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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