Avocado. Great source of healthy fats


A pear-shaped, dark green to brown fruit with wrinkled skin. We all know avocados. A soft flesh, usually light green and yellow towards the stone. A hard, dark brown stone in the middle. Flesh is the buttery stuff we enjoy but there are still people who do not know how to fully appreciate avocado so, we have decided to give you a little inspiration.


First, you need to remove the skin. You may peel it just like an orange, but this may be quite laborious. Chefs around the world have a much smarter method. Cut avocado in half lengthwise with the skin on and circle around the stone with a knife. Grab each half and turn each half in the opposite direction. Now, you are holding one half in each hand – one with the stone. Take the half with the stone and insert a knife into the stone. Gently twist to release the stone: it should remain stuck on the knife and you should be able to remove it easily. Use a spoon to scoop out the flesh – you can easily separate the flesh from the skin.


Photo: Pixabay

Ripe avocado

In order to enjoy avocado you need to get a ripe one. You can tell that it is fully ripe if it is soft and tends to be darker. An unripe avocado is harder. If you press on it with your finger (gently) and make a permanent dent, it is overripe. You can buy unripe avocados and if you do, you need to give them few days to ripen.

Avocado and kitchen

There are several ways you can consume avocados. The easiest way is to cut avocado into cubes and add it to any vegetable salad. Avocados do not require heat treatment. A very popular dish is guacamole that you eat with nachos or vegetables. You may slice avocado and put it on a piece of bread – instead of butter. You may also add tomatoes or ham or you may mash avocado with a fork and spread it on pastry. In Brazil for example, people make a delicious ice cream, form avocados and Filipinos make a sweet avocado drink. A good idea is to sprinkle lemon or lime juice on avocado to keep the flesh from getting too soft.


Store well-ripened avocados in refrigerator. Cold temperature will stop the ripening process. Put unripe fruits in a paper bag and store at room temperature until they ripen.

Stone is edible too

People usually throw away the stone or use it to grow their own avocado plant, but the stone is actually edible. Many of you may be surprised because the stone is very hard, but here is what you do. Let the stone dry for a few days. No, put it in a bag and crush it with a meat mallet or hammer. Grind the crushed pieces into a fine powder and add it to yogurt, for example.

Source: https://zywienie.medonet.pl/produkty-spozywcze/owoce/awokado-wlasciwosci-kalorie-przepisy-jak-jesc-awokado/z2m43f5

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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