Aronia growing tips


Aronia is commonly called black chokeberries and indeed this name describes the shape and colour of the fruit very well. The Latin name is Aronia melanocarpa. It is a shrub or a small tree that produces black fruit. When ripe, it is dark black. Cultivation is not difficult because Aronia is rather resistant plant.

Healthy little berries

In the spring, Aronia is covered with small white flowers which turn into dark berries in the fall. This shrub is beautiful, especially in autumn because its leaves turn red-orange. Despite its beauty, it is grown for berries of course, as they are very rich in antioxidants and vitamins (for example vitamins A, B, C and P). The fruit also contains plenty of minerals and other beneficial substances and it is used by people who try to lower blood cholesterol levels or even by people who suffer from diabetes.


Photo: Pixabay

How to select Aronia

Be careful when choosing a suitable tree for your garden! Some species are only grown as ornamental trees. You need to choose Aronia melanocarpa if you want to enjoy the amazing fruit. Aronia can reach a height of 2 meters and you do not have to trim it regularly, only if you want to keep a certain shape, but you need to be careful when pruning, because the vast majority of the fruit “lives” at the end of branches.

Aronia cultivation

As far as soil goes, Aronia is not particularly picky, but it needs a lot of sun. Without a sufficient sunlight, the fruit will not ripen properly. Well, that’s pretty much all what Aronia needs. It is not susceptible to pests or diseases and it easily withstands adverse weather conditions such as cold or drought.

Harvesting Aronia

You can harvest the first fruit in September, but you should leave berries on the tree until the first frosts hit. The interesting fact is that frosts will reduce the astringent bitter taste of the fruit. You should also know that birds love Aronia berries, and if you do not cover the bush or tree with a curtain, non-woven white fabric or some kind of netting, the birds may eat your entire harvest. Only pick fully ripe berries and store them in a cool place where they should remain in good condition for about two months. The most common processing method is to turn berries into juices, jams and other products that last much longer.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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