Annual rose pruning


Do you love roses and cannot imagine your garden without these beautiful flowers? Well, we completely understand, because beautiful roses please everyone. If you want to have beautiful new shoots of roses, you need to know how to cut them properly. It is not complicated once you know what to look for. Here it goes. 

A sharp back cut pays off

The reason is clear. Roses bloom most often on shoots that have developed in the previous year. Back cut will make shoots stronger and you want that. Strong shoots will produce beautiful large flowers that everyone will admire.


Photo: Pixabay

Different length of cut

Weak but growing shoots should be shortened down to 3 buds. Shoots that grow strongly should be shorten down to 5 to 6 buds.All weak shoots that stopped growing must be cut off completely. Pay attention to the centre of the plant. Make sure that it is not too dense.


Photo: Radek Štěpán


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Plant roses in March

If you want to plant new roses you may do it already in March. Before planting make sure to loosen the soil to about two-spades depth. Roses stay in one place for several years, so they certainly deserve a well-loosen soil. It is also recommended to use compost or well-decomposed manure to improve the quality of the soil. Place garden substrate only on the top layer of the loosened soil to ensure oxygen can get in!A lack oxygen can make the soil too acidic.

Lots of different cultivars of roses

Roses are usually divided according to the way they are used in gardens. Most often you will see roses:

  • noble cross-breeds,
  • bush roses,
  • dwarf,
  • flower bed roses
  • wild roses.


Photo: Pixabay

You cna shape noble, climbing, flower bed or dwarf roses into stem roses . Cascading roses with a height of around 140 cm are considered climbing roses, grafted onto a stem. Half-stem roses around 60 cm high are created by grafting dwarf roses onto a stem. Tall roses around 90 cm high are created from flower bed or noble roses, which are grafted onto a stem. 

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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