All about cucumber grafting


To find detailed instructions on cucumber grafting may be very difficult today, so shedding little light on this issue wouldn’t hurt. Here is the basic information. Grafting may be done by inserting the scion into the cleft or hole – the hole insertion method, or the tongue approach method. After grafting both plants have its own root system so there is a chance that the new shoot might dry out.

Pre-growing in planters

Pre-growing cucumbers in pots is an excellent way to start. When the plant comes out, clip the top of the selected piece, so that it does not grow more than needed. Make aprecise cut below the first true petals using a razor blade. The cut should be rather long and diagonal. Work fast when cutting, otherwise the shoots may dry out. Tie both plants together with aluminium foil – both plants will grow together now in a planter or pot. When covered and watered, both plants should join after 5 days.

cucumberPhoto: Pixabay

Selected tips for cucumber grafting

Several specific steps for proper cucumber grafting. Let us take a look at some of these steps.

– rootstock should be sown earlier than cucumbers.

– the length of the razor cut must be the same on both the rootstock and the scion

– you will need skewers, perforated foil, razor blade and aluminium foil or grafting pegs

– to help rootstock plants become stronger, use less water than usual 3 days before grafting

Cucumber grafting procedure

The following steps will show you how to graft cucumbers.

– use razor blade and make approximately half centimetre cut

– insert the cucumber plant into the rootstock from the top down

– make sure the cuts are not dried out

– join both plants together using aluminium foil

– you may also use clips for cucumber grafting

– use skewer to provide sufficient support

– cover with perforated foil and water the plant.

Photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.

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