A largely unappreciated plant that is the source of the hormone pleasure


Everybody probably heard about the great hormone of happiness called oxytocin but this hormone is not the only one that has a positive effect on our body and mind. Its lesser-known cousin, but with a wide range of effects, is called anandamide – also called the hormone of pleasure.

This hormone binds inside our body to  CB1/CB2 receptors and maintains a healthy balance in many areas. For example, it helps with automotive coordination, accelerates healing, suppresses pain, improves short-term memory and positively affects our emotions and mood. Well, this should not be a surprise… We all know that if you feel “good” everything just seems easier. No doubt about it.

Pleasure hormone degrades very quickly…

Anandamide is created in the brainin a few specific areas and unfortunately, it quickly loses its potency (no one can be in good mood all the time), and its potential is wasted before it can reach CB1/CB2 receptors.


Photo: Pixabay

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives, that our body can utilize in almost the same way. One substance is abbreviated as CBD and it is a part of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid. In other words – you will not get intoxicated or have any hallucinations, etc.

Endocannabinoid system (ES) is present throughout our body

You will hear more often the term endocannabinoid system(ES) rather than CB1/CB2 receptors. So, where is the endocannabinoid system located? Literally, everywhere – especially in the central nervous system, in various layers of skin or in the so-called peripheral organs of the body. Anandamide (or CBD) has positive effects on many parts of our bodies.

The use is legal so, you do not need to worry about the “forbidden fruit” label and that alone is a good thing that should make you happy, right?

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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