When your dog is left home alone.


Do you often leave your dog alone at home for long periods of time? Well, dogs do not like that and it could backfire unpleasantly. We all need to travel from time to time and if you have no one to take care of your dog, it may be a big problem. Nobody spends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at home. The situation gets worse when you need to go back to work after a long stay at home. The pandemic is over. Good. But how can you reduce suffering of your dog as much as possible?

Why do dogs hate being alone?

Dogs are pack animals and naturally, they hate to be alone. They need dogs or humans around. Being alone a lot is frustrating for them. So, before you get a dog you need to consider whether you will have enough time to care for your dog. If you spent long hours at work and even weekends, you probably should not get any pet.Many people just take their dog out for a walk and that is it. This is not enough.

A dog should not be left alone for more than 8 hours

If you leave your dog alone for more than 8 hours, your dog will suffer. Especially, its psyche. Your dog will probably have hard time to empty its bowels. If a dog holds urine for a long time, it leads to bladder problems or incontinence. Your dog needs to be properly walked before you leave him alone for long time. At least 30 minutes of walking. Play with your dog and entertain him. Especially, if you got your dog from a shelter you need to be very careful. Leaving your dog alone often may lead to a separation anxiety.


Photo: Pixabay

No dramatic good byes

If you are going to be away for a long time, do not say goodbye in a dramatic or overly emotional way. The same is true when you come back. Welcome your dog in a casual manner. A good idea is to “ignore” your dog for 5 to 10 minutes. Before you leave send your dog to his place. When you get home, take your dog outside immediately. Regular walks at least once a day should be normal for dog owners.


Photo: Pixabay

Drinking regime and high-quality food

If you are going to be away for a long time, have someone change the water and feed regularly. Some people simply give their dog an extra feed. This is not good. The feed will get wet and may go bad. The same goes for water. It must be changed as often as possible. “Your dog should only have as much food in the bowl as he will actually eat. Canned food or fresh meat may go bad during the day,” says a dog nutrition expert Jiří Švihálek.

Source: mujchlupac.cz, pesweb.cz

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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