Herbs to eliminate foot odour

Foot odour

Although manymay people think that a foot odour is due to poor hygiene, it may not always be the case. Even if you wash your feet daily – even several times, you can still have smelly feet. This problem is very unpleasant and some people may even refuse to take off their shoes, or worse – accept an invitation to visit your home. But bad foot odour is also a problem for people who are in the same room. If you have been fighting this problem but had not much success, read on and we shall give you some tips you can try.

Sources of foot odour

One reason why feet smell bad may be due to the fact that you have a large number of sweat glands on feet coupled with bacteria that break down sweat. This decomposition is the source of a very unpleasant odour. Open shoes helps. Do not wear socks made of artificial materials. Do not wash your feet in hot water, as this only intensifies the activity of sweat glands.

Foot odour

Photo: Pixabay

Herbs can help

Herbal foot baths may be a great way to get rid of foot odour immediately. Herbs also work well as a preventive measure and offer beneficial effects. The best types of herbs to fight foot odour are those that have antiviral and antibacterial properties and positively affect the activity of sweat glands. You can choose sage, lovage, horsetail, walnut leaves, or a mixture prepared from the following herbs: heather (50 g), goldenrod (50 g), sage (20 g), Veronica officinalis (30 g), horsetail (30 g), blueberries (10 g). Oak bark can also help.

Nature is on your side

In addition to herbs, there are other natural methods you can try. Apple cider vinegar, baking soda, or even mint infusion work well. However, use these remedies only if you have no cuts on your feet and legs as they can cause strong pain. You can also make a foot bath out of them and use them alone or together with essential oils such as citrus, lavender, tea tree or mint oil.

Source: https://porady.interia.pl/moda/news-jak-pozbyc-sie-brzydkiego-zapachu-stop,nId,5319843

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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