Grow turmeric at home.
Turmeric root (Curcuma longa) offers many health benefits. We all know that. But did you know that you can grow and harvest it at home? Many people know turmeric as a bright orange powder, but what about fresh root? Anything fresh must be better than powder, right? It looks a bit like ginger. Turmeric is a perennial plant that grows up to 90 cm tall. It comes from Southeast Asia where people use it in many recipes.
The key to a correct harvest is to determine the right harvesting time. If you harvest turmeric too early, it may not be big enough, and if you delay harvesting, the root will become woody and will not be that good. The usual harvest time is in the fall and winter, i.e. 8 to 10 months after planting.However, this time span is rather large and you may not be able to guess the right time. We recommend harvesting when the leaves turn yellow and stems begin to dry out.
Photo: Pixabay
How to harvest turmeric?
As soon as you determine the time to harvest, the question is how to harvest the root correctly. Do not worry it is not difficult. Harvest all roots of the plant. Be careful not to pierce the tubers with a digging tool. Once you get the roots out of the soil, clean them and remove excess soil. Cut off the leaves and fibrous roots. That way you will get the best quality roots. Wash tubers under cold running water.
One plant will give you more roots than you can use immediately. That is why it is important to store roots properly so they remain as fresh as possible. If you can, use fresh roots within few weeks. After that, roots will start drying out. To maintain the freshness as long as possible, try one of the following:
- Freezing: Put whole or chopped turmeric root in a bag and place it in a freezer. It will last for about a year.
- Drying: Cut roots into thin slices and dry in a fruit dryer. You can grind it into a powder. Basically the same powder you get in supermarkets, but your own organic stuff of course. Powder should last for 6 to 9 months at room temperature.
If you want to plan turmeric next year, set aside some of the harvested tubers and use them for planting. Store them in a cool, dark place – sprouts should appear by spring. Simply plant the tubers in ground and grow your own turmeric again.
Preview photo: Pixabay
Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.