Ginger and garlic together work magic


A mixture of garlic and ginger is a very strong and effective natural remedy. There are natural ingredients and they complement each other. Here is a recipe that has other simple ingredients that you should try for yourself.

You can easily do it at home and here is a sample procedure for your inspiration.

Garlic and ginger recipe

  • 1 apple
  • 100 g of fresh paprika
  • 500 g onion
  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 500 g of garlic
  • 250 g of ginger


Clean all ingredients, put them all together and pour water in. Store in a dark place for two to six weeks. The longer the storage, the stronger it will become. Shake from time to time. When done pour the mixture through a sieve to get rid of any remaining solids. Pour the liquid into a dark glass to protect it from light. Store in a cool and dark place.


Photo: Pixabay

Use as soon as you notice first signs of cold

Use it as a treatment for inflammation and infection, to strengthen your immune system and to improve your diet. Here is how. Mix a little bit of the mixture in 100 ml of cold water and drink it. If you find it too sour, add honey. You should always drink it slowly. Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Use it for 5-6 days.

Side effects

This is a natural medicine, but even natural medicine may have side effects. We are all different, so you should use any medicine carefully. If you have gastrointestinal issues or suffer from seizures, increased acidity of the gallbladder or from fevers, do not use it! This medicine is very strong and it is not suitable for patients with gall bladder problems. First, make sure that your body can handle this medicine and even if it does, dose carefully.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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