Home-grown pineapple – common mistakes


You can plant and grow pineapple at home and you can use the one you bought in store and yes, it will bear fruit. It is not difficult but you need to follow few basic rules. You can also buy a pineapple plant from a garden store if you want to speed up things a bit. Keep in mind that pineapple bears fruit only once and then it dies. So, you need to think about replacement early. Well, as with any plant, sometimes you may experience problems while growing. Here is how to deal with them.

Lightly coloured leaves

If you notice that leaves are noticeably pale and light, most often it is a sign that your pineapple is not getting enough light. The treatment is very simple: move the plant to a brighter place.


Photo: Pixabay

Pineapple does not bloom

First, you should know that you can expect your pineapple to flower after two years! But there is also a way you can help your plant with the flowering process. Take an apple and cut it in halves. Place one half by the cut side down on the soil right next to the pineapple. Place the other half on the leaf rosette. Wrap the whole plant in a transparent bag and leave it like this for two to four weeks. Apples are known to release ethylene, which penetrates roots and acts as a stimulant for flower development. As soon as you see the first flowers, remove the apple and the bag.

Leaf twisting

If you notice curly leaves or even dry leaves, it is a sign that your plant is not doing well and that some environmental condition needs to be changed. In this case, it is usually a draft that bothers your plant. Simple. Move the plant to a well protected location.

Dying leaves after fruiting

If leaves shrivel and keep dying, it means that your plant will die soon. That is the unfortunate truthbut it is a natural phenomenon and you cannot save the plant . What you can do, you may grow a new plant from the dying plant.

Slow growth

If your pineapple seems to be growing slower than it should, it may be due to a lack of vitamins in the soil and additional fertilization is in order – choose a fertilizer designed for flowering plants.

Dry leaf tips

If the tips start to dry out, your plant is exposed to very hot and dry environment. Water it and move it to a cooler place.

Source: https://deccoria.pl/artykuly/rosliny-domowe/jak-wyhodowac-ananasa-w-domu-41-825

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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